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Image of man jogging pain free into the distance after using CBD.

A Potentially Effective Addition To Sports Medicine

The below reference research survey shows CBD to have an effect on skeletal muscle tissue. Through the body’s endocannabinoid system, CBD is believed to have physiological effects on skeletal muscle tissue. These scientific studies that investigated the actual effects of CBD on skeletal muscle metabolism, inflammation, tissue regeneration, and anabolism are showing that CBD supplementation is effective in increasing the expression of metabolic regulators in muscle. Particularly, CBD treatment in rodents reduced muscle inflammation following eccentric exercise. In addition, CBD did not adversely affect skeletal muscle metabolism, inflammation, tissue regeneration, and anabolism, but was shown to improve dystrophic muscle.

Continual CBD treatment clearly improved muscle quality and regeneration in these rodents, however, acute or one-time-only CBD treatments did not enhance anabolic signaling in response to eccentric contractions in healthy rats. Though more research is needed, CBD may improve muscle regeneration once a certain level of muscle damage is induced.

As a result, this provides some basis that continual CBD supplementation improves human muscle recovery and performance and that CBD has the potential to become an adequate supplement that improves muscle regeneration and recovery and is thereby considered a potential ergogenic aid for athletes and a potentially effective addition to the field of sports medicine.

Reference: Molecular Mechanisms Through Which Cannabidiol May Affect Skeletal Muscle Metabolism, Inflammation, Tissue Regeneration, and Anabolism: A Narrative Review